Tuesday, February 22, 2011

James says the funniest things...

Everyday I could blog about a funny thing James said or did throughout the day. Today he kept insisting to me that he saw Santa Claus every time we drove into the driveway. I didn't know what he was talking about until finally he ran into the cul-de-sac and pointed to the Leprechaun that the neighbors had in their yard (in the same place they had a wooden Santa Claus during Christmas). I tried to explain to him that it wasn't Santa Claus and that it was a Leprechaun to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. When Nathan got home James started telling Nathan that he saw a Leprechaun for John Patrick's Day. :) When I was sharing this story with my mom she reminded me of another funny story from last week. We were driving in the car when James kept saying he saw the Pope. When we looked out the window we realized he was pointing to the KFC sign and he thought that the KFC man was a picture of the Pope. Each day I love watching both James and John Patrick grow and learn. What a blessing each and everyday is.

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